With this post I'll try to explain the complete step-by-step guide how to check and change Search Index Location in SharePoint 2013. Unfortunately in internet I found different posts but non of them was complete
For one of our customers we have to check Search Index Location and I found this post , great I'll find very easy the location. BUT I was surprised when I got the result in Power Shell:
- $ssa = Get-SPServiceApplication –Name "Search Service Application"
- $active = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -SearchApplication $ssa -Active
- Get-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -SearchTopology $active | ?{$_.Name -like "*index*"}
Root directory is empty in my case, in the aforementioned post I could not find what actually this means.
Another post stated that with only 2 Power Shell commands I'll get the necessary for me information. The result after execution was:
OK looks like the location is the default search index location and I've to change it.
Found one very useful Power Shell script which I highly recommend to use in case you would like to change index location. The only thing you have to change at the bottom of the script are:
- SearchServiceName
- Server (name)
- Index Location (suggestion use non system drive)
Then I would like to check index location again and executed again:
- $ssi = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance
- $ssi.Components
Then I executed the first 3 cmdlets and now the result is a bit different:
Actually the changes are here :-)
If you would like to check your Search Index Location in SharePoint 2013 you need the following power shell commands:
- $ssa = Get-SPServiceApplication –Name "Search Service Application"
- $active = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -SearchApplication $ssa -Active
- Get-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -SearchTopology $active | ?{$_.Name -like "*index*"}
I hope you will find this post usefull!
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